Decorating the house is always a tiresome yet an enthralling job. Whenever it comes to furnishing a new or an old place, few factors should be considered 'firsthand'. Articles of furniture are no more what it was, now we let the furniture breathe in our homes and let it speak for itself. The process of choosing ‘right’ has become so absorbing, we just don’t know any way of doing it wrong.
Arfan Furniture Trading, almost 18 years serving into retail furniture. We have come to identify some basic ideas customer need to develop before they can furnish their house. After all we at AFT just don't deal in furniture, in fact we deliver comfort, aesthetics and finally your home to you. Our prime vision is to simplify living.
1. COMFORT comes first !
No idea is a good idea if you aren’t finding that coziness in the corner of your sofa, couches or beds. No matter what appeals to the eye, remember it’s the comfort that tops the list. Discovering the comfort in your chosen theme is a blessing. One just cannot leave their furniture to be a part of the showpiece lying in the room, uh-uh STRICT NO! .
We always recommend our customers to consider the comfort for all age groups. Keep in mind the guests that may be visiting you often, your layover guests. It is very easy plan this out, having Sofa-beds in your living room is one such example that serves a dual purpose while being comfortable.
2. COLOUR / COLOR - Let the COLOR be the ESSENCE of your ambience.
The color spreads the feel and brings the warmth or freshness you are looking to add to your living space. Keep it bright or keep it pastel, choosing the right color goes a long way. We do not just believe in matching the furniture to our walls, the real game lies in matching the right furniture to colors that surround you. Be not afraid to experiment, be bold. Try using contrasting techniques by placing dark colored furniture in light backgrounds or vice versa, keep in mind the lighting of the room while you are at it.
3. No compromises on 'QUALITY'
As a rational consumer we always want our purchases to have a long life. Furniture is an asset and only quality adds value to our asset. Quality always wins over quantity any day, furnish your home with few items if you may but never compromise on the quality of the product.
If we come to take this way furniture comes a long way in your memories, you always have that same spot on 'movie nights', or the right side of the bed that you love the most. These affections develop over time and that means the furniture you are choosing should be long lasting.
Consider the wood type, look for the joints, is it screwed or taped or glued, how do feel when you touch the surface it smooth or rough? check the edges. These small observations may tell you a lot about quality and the craftsmanship of the furniture items you are seeking.
4. Know your sizes or dimensions.
Never buy your furniture based on estimates or guess work, it may work at an instance or two but getting the right sizes is very important, especially in an urban living complexes wherein inches matter. Knowing the right dimensions of the living space you are planning to furnish helps you clear your mind of the things you 'don't want' or 'don't fit'. It helps you narrowing down your options and lead you to the right theme of your home.
Measure those corners, ceilings, doorways all these will be your guiding light in choosing home furniture. Managing space efficiently is todays requirement, you will be able to store better, live better or as we say simplify living.
We may not list down all factors that you should consider before furnishing your house, but we are glad to have given it a start which you can use to your advantage. After all designing a house to a home is a subjective matter and everybody have their own choices, likes and dislikes.
Greek Novelist, 'Plato' rightly said, "Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.", We at ARFAN FURNITURE TRADING agree to it and we welcome shoppers from all walks to visit us and browse our collection.
Our website has plenty of furniture articles for various parts of your house.
Thank you and we wish you a pleasurable experience at